New Beginning

I know I haven’t been very active on the blog this year and it’s mainly because of how busy I was. Last year I had a very big change in direction. One of the significant moments being that I started a master’s in publishing. It’s completely different from what I thought I was going to do with my life, but in a sense, I’ve always known that deep down I’m a creative person and a creative career is something that I need to pursue.

I’ve also discovered a love for marketing – something I never considered before this year. But because of all that, I’ve been so wrapped up in writing blogs and creating content for others, that sadly this blog has been on the back burner.

To get on a bit more personal side, 2019 has been a turning point in my life.

I feel like I’m no longer standing still. I’m doing things and can finally see progress.  I’m learning to take care of myself more – which sometimes meant putting my happiness before others. In the words of Emma Watson, I’ve chosen to be self-partnered and I’m not going to lie, I’m rather enjoying it.

It would also probably be good to tell you what plans I have for this blog. Well, I don’t really have any. Yet. All I know is that I want to write more. While I will still post lifestyle articles, I also want to centre this blog more around reading, social issues and reviews. I’d like to talk to other bookworms, bloggers way more often than I do now. My aim has always been to write and publish honest stories, but now I’d also like to show people my other passions.

I’d like to at least try to formulate my vision for the blog in 2020. I’d love to start working with authors and other bloggers to deliver more quality content. I’ll start writing more reviews, I have ideas for some fun articles, and I will try to keep a regular schedule from now on.

If you’re interested in other work I post I’ll be leaving links in the near future once it gets published.

With love,